See before my previous post, as you will probably agree there is a relation between ‘dragons’ and mega lightnings..

Now.. up till very recently those things where practically unknown to the majority of people, how many did ever saw a mega lightning? Or a dragon?

Well, I was thinking if there’s a chance that in the past those phenomena where more common.. or.. if it’s going to be more common to see them in the near future..
You might wonder “why such a thing should happen? Why should we see more dragons in the near future?”..
Well, listen to that..

Based on the plasma universe theory every space object is electrically charged and they try to find a way to balance theyr electric charge with every ‘near’ object,for example solar wind, causes the aurora,

that’s probably the cause of most of electric phenomena we see in the sky, so.. let’s imagine another BIG object, such as a Brown Dwarf (or NIBIRU?) is coming close.. will it influence the same way the sun does? Probably, the closer it comes, the more intense this will be..

Moreover, this sky activity will also involve solar activity and consequentially also global warming..